Category rest and recuperation

Post-comp laziness and epic (?!) new goals

I came down from my comp high pretty quickly as all the junk food I stuffed in my face took its toll and I seized up like I was a 92-year-old woman! Getting out of bed on Sunday (and Monday…and Tuesday for that matter!) was uncomfortable and depressing. Ridiculous considering there were only really nine […]

Stupid fucking hips!

I’ve had to take a deload this week because my hip flexors are quite unhappy with me. I don’t know if this is because of the volume of training Matt’s got me doing, the changes I’ve made to my squat position are taking a while to adjust to, or if my hip flexors are just […]

Der Schweiz and back to reality!

Switzerland was amazing: seven days of clean air and amazing views, but also, sadly, really fatty food! Everything I ate was either smothered in a creamy sauce or fried, and vegetables were almost impossible to get hold of. When I did manage to get my hands on a few salad leaves or a carrot, they […]

I just couldn’t help myself. I had to write something…!

So I wasn’t going to blog this week as I wasn’t intending on training, but I needed to send some videos of my big lifts to my online coach before I head off on holiday, so I thought I’d just write up a quick summary of my rest week. This week is also the first […]

Going head-to-head with my training buddy…

Here we are then. Competition week. Time to rest and eat. Eating’s the easy bit. The resting, not so much. There’s not much to really tell you apart from the small matter of my fourth competition in three months. So what happened? Oh, I came second. But more about that later… This week, I also […]

Recovery, gluttony and it all starts again…

Hello!! I decided not to bother you with ramblings about fuck all last week. I didn’t train at all so apart from the mountain of food I ate, there wasn’t much to tell.  Don’t worry though, I’ll give you a brief summary of that gluttony in this post!!  Last week… Last week, I mostly ate burgers […]

Do I have to start training again?!?!

Usually I freak out at the idea of having a week off. Deload weeks I can handle, but not touching a weight at all for a whole week? That’s crazy talk! That said, I have thoroughly enjoyed my rest this week. Obviously I really needed it. I know that once I get started again on […]